The fund is designed to capitalize on medium-term growth by investing in fixed-income securities issued by Philippine corporations, the government, and money market instruments issued by accredited banks.
Security Bank
₱ 404M
vs March 21: ₱ 1.15213
1 Month Ago |
3 Months Ago |
1 Year Ago |
3 Years Ago |
Since Inception |
Fund Returns |
0.40% |
-0.56% |
2.70% |
1.56% Annualized |
1.34% Annualized |
This shows the top 10 holdings you are invested in, based on percent allocation.
Security |
Type |
Maturity |
% Held |
1 |
RPGB 5 02/28/29 |
Govt Bond |
2029 |
8% |
2 |
FXTN 01-39 |
Govt Bond |
2039 |
7% |
3 |
FXTN 25-6 |
Govt Bond |
2034 |
7% |
4 |
PHILIPPINES (REP OF) SER 1072 6.25% 25JAN2034 |
Govt Bond |
2034 |
7% |
5 |
FXTN 07-67 |
Govt Bond |
2029 |
7% |
6 |
FXTN 20-17 |
Govt Bond |
2031 |
6% |
7 |
RPGB 5 02/28/29 |
Govt Bond |
2031 |
5% |
8 |
FXTN 25-7 |
Govt Bond |
2035 |
5% |
9 |
RPGB 6 3/8 07/27/30 |
Govt Bond |
2030 |
5% |
10 |
FXTN 01-29 |
Govt Bond |
2029 |
4% |
This shows which asset composition your fund is currently invested in.
Cash and Cash Equivalents - 2.68%
Fixed Income - 97.32%
<1 year - 1%
1 to 3 yrs - 6%
3 to 5 yrs - 31%
5 to 7 yrs - 17%
7 to 10 yrs - 22%
>10 yrs - 20%
A benchmark is a standard by which the performance of a fund is compared to. Since your investment is for medium to long-term, it's important to look at a benchmark's performance over a longer period of time to see and appreciate long-term volatility and progression.
A benchmark is a standard against which the performance of a fund is compared.
Tracking error is the difference between a portfolio's return and the benchmark return.
1 Month Ago |
3 Months Ago |
1 Year Ago |
3 Years Ago |
5 Years Ago |
Since Inception |
Benchmark |
0.63% |
-0.46% |
3.04% |
0.86% Annualized |
1.33% Annualized |
1.88% Annualized |
Tracking Error |
-0.23% |
-0.10% |
-0.34% |
0.70% |
-0.54% |
The tracking error shows how well the fund has been able to mimic the performance of the benchmark. In other words, if the tracking error is zero, the returns of the fund are equal to the return of the benchmark. In case the tracking error is positive, the fund did better than the benchmark; if negative, it performed worse. The fund manager tries to maintain a performance that is within a small margin of the benchmark to ensure risk and return of the fund and benchmark are equal.
This chart shows the annual, three-year, and five-year benchmark volatility in the past 10 years and beyond. The graph shows the lowest, highest, and average historical annual returns. It includes periods where there were major financial events such as the global financial crisis 2007-2008 so as to show how strong economic fundamentals help markets recover. Looking at the graph, long-term investing will keep your volatility low, moving you closer to the average return.
1 Year | 3 Years | 5 Years | |
HIGHEST | 22.65% | 15.42% | 12.56% |
AVERAGE | 6.15% | 5.76% | 6.01% |
LOWEST | -10.43% | -2.53% | -0.40% |