PREPARE FOR TAKEOFF Just as flying on a plane, you need to fasten your life’s seat belts in case of financial turbulence.

The Experts

Life is Like a Plane Ride

And flying is not without risks so you need to take safety precautions

Efren L. Cruz

Above Par

Life insurance agents invariably talk about the potential perils to life. Should you be scared of what life agents talk about? Yes, you should. But, don’t be afraid of them.

So as not confuse you, allow me to quote from my book, “Taming the Rebellious You.” Both the words “scared” and “afraid” can refer to the expression of fear. When you say you are “scared of flying,” you can easily replace the word “scared” with “afraid” and have the same meaning. But only the word “scared” can be used in front of a noun. 

For example, while you can say “he is a scared person,” you cannot say “he is an afraid person.”

More importantly, while “scared” strictly refers to fear, “afraid” can also refer to worry or regret on top of fear. In our fear of flying sentence, “afraid” can be used this way, “He is afraid that flying will make him air sick.”

So yes, be scared of the perils to life. And while you may also be afraid that such perils can and will have financial impact on your loved ones, both fear and worrying are nature’s way of leading you to action. Moreover, while you may take utmost care in leading your life, you cannot anticipate what fate will throw your way.

Although it may sound cliché, life is a journey. So, to put a new spin on it, treat life like an airplane ride.

Flying is not without risks. That is the reason for the flight safety instructions. The same goes with life. You should not bring too much carry-on baggage in the form of material trappings that may result in large budget variances and unnecessary heavy borrowing. 

You need to fasten your life’s seat belts in case of financial turbulence. In a way, this is akin to getting disability insurance. The forms of disability insurance are personal accident, temporary disability, permanent disability, dismemberment, and hospital income benefit. Disability insurance can be packaged with other life insurance products so that you need only remember one amount of premium and payment due date. Just like with adjustable airline seat belts, disability insurance can be adjusted to suit your coverage needs.

Flying is not without risks. That is the reason for the flight safety instructions. The same goes with life.

An unlikely emergency landing can be likened to an unexpected major illness or even to your untimely demise. The major difference though with life insurance is that while one airline life vest will protect just one person, life insurance can protect you (through coverage against critical illnesses) and your loved ones (in case of your untimely death).

To a certain extent, you can say that life insurance breaks the marriage vow. Couples promise to take each other as their lawful spouse “to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” Life insurance goes beyond the vow’s time limit by helping a person who meets an untimely death to take care of his loved ones financially even beyond the grave. Similar to disability insurance, life insurance can also be adjusted to suit your particular coverage needs.

Just like with the flight safety card, you will need to read your insurance policies carefully to understand for what amount and under which conditions you and your loved ones are covered. 

Flight attendants show you the location of your life vest. In the same manner, you need to know where you filed your insurance policy. Otherwise, you or your loved ones will have a difficult time claiming insurance benefits.

Airline seat belts should be fastened even when the seat belt sign is turned off, just as life insurance policies need to be paid up and enforceable all the time, as danger lurks everywhere, even in our sleep. 

To have an enjoyable flight for everyone, you need to take care of your health and that of the people around you. This is why airlines prohibit smoking. But more than just avoiding smoking, you should also avoid other vices that may shorten your flight in life such as drinking, gambling, and even engaging in extramarital affairs.

Life insurance agents are like your flight attendants in life. Follow their instructions and you will be all set for an enjoyable journey in life.

For now, please make sure that your minimal carry-on life baggage is stowed, your insurance policies are paid up and in force, and that you have read your policies with eyes wide open. And please turn off all consumerism devices as they may interfere with your financial navigation systems. Then sit back, relax and enjoy the flight.

On behalf of everyone at PFA and FWD, we thank you for choosing to read this column. We wish you a pleasant life’s journey.


About the author

EFREN L. CRUZ is a Registered Financial Planner of RFP Philippines, personal finance coach, seasoned investment manager, financial planning trainer & consultant, newspaper columnist and bestselling author of four books.